Saturday, January 28, 2012

Post Script.... Eva drove us to the San Sebastian Airport which took us to Madrid.  Made our connection and were in flight for 8 hours.  Kelly Grasso and boys picked us up and we all headed for another wonderful dinner!  Home at 10.00 which was 4 a.m. for us from our San Sebastian reference point.  A nice 21 hour day! 

Special Thanks to:

  1. Audra Lessard who dropped us off and took in our mail all week.
  2. Matt Masingill for taking care of Cooper all week!
  3. Megan for being our guide and translator all week.
  4. Eva and her family
  5. Kelly Grasso for picking us up on a busy Friday
  6. To all our Blog friends who kept up with our exploits. 
    1. Special recognition to the Gainsburgers for all of their rude and funny comments.


  1. Happy that you are home and had such an amazing time. Loved the blog. You missed your calling - writer, journalist, comedian? Give call when you have a chance.

  2. Rude? We'll show you RUDE! Gainesburgers :-)
